Tag Archives: UAE

December 01

Talking, Talking, Talking

Cafe Make in Dubai Marina was filled with young professionals, eyes locked on their computers. A tall, thin woman in her 30s, wearing gray starched pinstriped pants and a vest to match, stepped into the room on 5-inch black strappy shoes. In her steps followed a woman in Louis Vuitton ballet slippers, a shiny gold […]

April 11

A Grain of Sand in the Empty Quarter

I’ve failed. They still lie there shaking their heads and yawning lazily, despite my numerous attempts to use guilt and humor to get my companions to keep their promise, and tackle the gorgeous but steep 200 meter sand dune together. I am left alone, face to face with the giant. (As seen on Fathom) 

March 21

Pakistani Wrestling in Dubai

Arriving alone, in groups of three, four and more, in flowing traditional kurta shirts and pajama bottoms, linking pinkies, and draping arms over each other, the packs of Pakistani men and their mustaches gathered by the hundreds. They were ready to blow off some steam, entertain and be entertained, on their only day off of the week.

March 10

Dubai Fish Market Pics

Sila, United Arab Emirates

The only visitors’ guide book available for Al Gharbia, the coastal area from Abu Dhabi to Saudi Arabia in the UAE, claims that within a five-hour drive from Dubai, in a town called Sila, are the last “unspoiled” and “undiscovered” beaches in the country. With white powdery sandy beaches, a turquoise color sea, and if […]

March 05

The Fish Market

Fresh hamour, barracuda, and shrimp are tossed from pickup trucks by suntanned Pakistanis. The smiling salesmen, “rocking” thick sole sandals my grandmother might wear, shove fish in customers’ faces and shout out the day’s catch. The flip-flopping sandals of my new “best-friend”and his squeaky one-wheel wagon follow awkwardly close as he buzzes, “Tip, ma’am tip”. […]


The late afternoon sun reflects off of the clean white tiles of the Dubai motor vehicle testing and registration center. People of all types bustle and shift about the room trying to navigate the various steps and stops required to keep their vehicles road legal for another year. I’m sitting on a hard blue plastic […]