I Miss My Name

I miss my name. It was lost on my journey to New York. Maybe it happened as I stepped onto the plane in Estonia, or during the lengthy layover in Heathrow. I am not sure. By the time I had reached the immigration booth in JFK, it was hopelessly gone. Getting my name back seemed […]

December 19

The Wolf

That Estonian Girl strikes again with a new publication in Unmapped Magazine. This time she travels the backwoods of Estonia to track The Wolf. Find her new story here at UnMapped.   Want to hear the same wolf howl for yourself? Luckily that Estonian Girl was carrying an audio recorder and caught the sound of […]

September 02

Estonian Cuisine, Traditional yet New

Farm to table dining is not new to Estonians. Hunting, gathering, and preparing for the cold and long winter is not something just our ancestors did. In Estonia, it continues to be a way of life. Thanks to the country’s colorful history, there are over 400 manor homes that have been left behind by the […]

July 15

Ten Reasons Oman Rocks

Oman sits at an ancient crossroads with cosmopolitan Dubai to its West, an unstable Yemen to its South, and India and Iran across its waters to the East and North. Although Oman shares history and culture with its neighbors, it is an altogether different place that goes relatively unnoticed by the tourist crowd. Here are […]

July 13

Snacking, Slurping, and Slithering Hanoi Street Food

When we visited Hanoi we looked forward to wandering the streets of the Old Town, and visiting the museums and parks, but more than that, we were there for the street food. What’s your favorite Vietnamese dish? If you’d like to take a food tour with Tu, and we highly recommend that you do, you […]

December 04

Changing Times, Changing Tribes

Changing Times, Changing Tribes Kaire (That Estonian Girl) published an exciting romp of an adventure through the backwoods of West Papua with the new online magazine Unmapped. Check it out!! And, if you want to read what childhood inspirations led That Estonian Girl to that remote part of the world, read her story, Dreams of […]

September 07

Get Hiking in Estonia

Love to hike? Then you’ll love this. Hate to hike? You still may love this. Why not hike in a country with untouched nature and the cleanest air in the world? Fifty-percent of Estonia is covered with forest and marshlands, making it one of the most forest-rich countries in the world. Forty-percent of that belongs to […]

September 03

Sixteen Years Later: Going Back to Tallinn

I shoved my face into my scarf and pulled open the door to the dark hallway. It reeked of alcohol, garlic and cat piss. I reached for the handrail and walked up the concrete stairs to the first floor studio apartment. After a few tries the key slid into the keyhole. An easy click, a […]

September 01

Is A Smartphone Camera Good Enough For Your Next Trip?

Traveling with a large DSLR camera? Thinking about traveling with one? I’m doing so less and less. Many people are touting the amazing photos that can be had with micro four third camera systems. I haven’t jumped on that bandwagon yet but I’m finding that the DSLR is staying in the bag more and the […]

July 21

The Story Behind the Photo – Tibetan Tea

There are hundreds, if not thousands of photos from the trips we take. Some of them are pretty good and worth sharing, and they get posted to the blog, alongside an article, or on FaceBook. But some of the photos have deeper stories that are not revealed in the photo alone. This series, The Story […]